In the Network Marketing Company You Are with or are Thinking About Joining, How Many People Will it Take for You to Earn $5,000 a Month?

Unfortunately in many mlm and network marketing companies, it takes at least 3,000 to 5,000 people to earn $5,000 a month! How long will it take for you to get 5,000 or even 3,000 people in your downline? Years and years or NEVER!

With Vitamark you get paid over $5,000 a month for every 350 people in your down line, it's that simple. Vita mark has the best compensation plan available. The compensation plan is geared to pay the highest percentage of profit to the new person! Yes, you will profit with Vitamark and make money with your online business!

Sounds Interesting and doable?

Tired of pushing products and being a sales person?

Have you tried selling:

Jerky Direct
Mary Kay
Prepaid Legal
Tahitian Noni
Herbal Life

  • Or the scores of other home based business opportunities online?
  • Are you spending and spending and not making a dime?
  • Is your at home business turning into a sales nightmare?
  • Tired of having to keep inventory, throw parties, deliver products and chase people down for paymet?
  • Have you found yourself out in the cold with no support, upline or training?
  • Is the cost of training sending you to the poor house?


With Vitamark you are not a sales person:

  • You are not pushing products;

  • You do not keep inventory;

  • You do not take orders;

  • You do not chase after people for payment.

As a business developer, I help change people's lives and financial situations. The Vitamark compensation plan is the best affiliate / network marketing compensation plan available.

I have Tried This Before With Another Network Marketing Company and Wasn't Successful. Why Will This Be Any Different?

It wasn't your fault you didn't succeed! The majority of companies are lacking one or more of the five critical elements to insure success for their distributors/affiliates. The five elements are: timing, a solid corporate infrastructure, a quality product or service, a lucrative compensation plan and an effective training system.

When you think about it, how many of these elements were lacking in the opportunity you tried?

Vitamark has all five elements to insure you are successful at starting and growing your home based business.

  • Had no support?
  • Setup cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars?
  • There was little to no training, you had to figure it out yourself?
  • You put out money lots of money and never made a dime back?
  • You just plain gave up!

There is a better way!

  • You can replace your current income or earn extra money
  • Be your own boss and set your own hours
  • Earn $500-$1,000 or more part-time
  • Earn $3,000-$5,000 or more full-time
  • Get paid weekly
  • Earn bonuses
  • Qualify for a monthly car allowance of up $2,000 monthly
  • 30 day money back guarantee, you have nothing to loose
  • Extensive training materials - conference calls, websites, cds, scripts, literature - learn from the comfort of your home; cost is free to extremely affordable
  • Earn while you learn
  • Work with a personal business mentor for free
  • Free customized websites
  • Qualify for free trips
  • Earn residual income indefinitely

What Makes Vitamark International Such a Different Network Marketing Company

Vitamark is a stable company and has been ar
ound for 4 years.

Vitamark is a global company.

Vitamark is in the momentum stage.

  • Many companies are in the stability stage - what this means is the masses have already joined and there is too much competition for you to make a decent living. The market becomes flooded with the products, everyone has heard about them and the "honeymoon" is over. Vitamark is poised to begin the momentum stage - this is the best time to join Vitamark, this is when you can make the most money and have your business literally explode overnight.

  • Vitamark is based out of Houston, Texas.

  • Vitamark's company philosophy is based on the highest standards of Honesty and Integrity.

  • Vitamark's Corporate Founders have over 35 years of experience in the network marketing industry and have built companies to over 100 million dollars in one year.

  • Tom "Big Al" Schreiter, author and speaker is one of the founders of the company and has used his extensive expertise and experience to build Vitamark.

  • Vitamark's products are consumable and life changing;

  • View Vitamark's Limu Plus testimonials

    View Vitamark's Appetizer Diet testimonials

  • You get paid weekly, so you can start profiting right away.

What this means is you work with a stable company and have the opportunity to make a lot of money!

What Makes Vitamark's Compensation the Best Compensation Plan Available?

Actually there is a HUGE difference between the numerous network marketing compensation plans.

Usually it is the person "at the top" that makes the most money, while you bust your tail to earn a couple of dollars.

In some multi level marketing companies you can literally have thousands of people in your down line and still not be making the money you desire! Has this happened to you?